The other day I came across this pin and I thought it was too great not to share. Here's why these 20 things should matter to all of us:

1. Free Yourself from Negative PeopleNegative people are only going to drag you down. They will suck all your energy and will make you negative. No one needs that in her life, so only surround yourself with people who build you up.
2. Let Go of Those Who Are Already GoneTrust me, you are better off. After one of my exes left me, I spent way too long wishing he would come back, but he was gone. I wish I had known that then and saved myself all that heartache. Whoever left you is not worth it, simply because he left someone so awesome.
3. Give People You Don't Know a Fair ChanceYou never know how important their role will be in the story of your life. And you never will unless you let them in.
4. Show Everyone Kindness and Respect
Because above all, everyone is deserving of that little bit of human decency. You don't know what battles they're facing and you don't know how a little bit of kindness could turn around their day.
Because above all, everyone is deserving of that little bit of human decency. You don't know what battles they're facing and you don't know how a little bit of kindness could turn around their day.
5. Accept People Just the Way They AreYou expect people to accept you, right? So show them the same courtesy. Don't try to change anybody, especially your guy. Either they're a right fit for you and your life or they're not.
6. Encourage Others and Cheer for ThemNot only will your friends and significant other appreciate having an unconditional cheerleader, it will make you feel good to be the one who builds other up.
7. Be Your Imperfectly Perfect SelfYou are perfect just the way you are and pretending to be anything other than yourself is a waste of time and a crime. Don't ever sacrifice who you are because in case you didn't know, you're amazing.
8. Forgive People and Move ForwardLiving with a grudge or holding on to blame is such a drag. Learn how to forgive so that you can heal yourself and your relationships. I'm not saying you have to forget, but you can't allow yourself to hold on to pain forever.
9. Do Little Things Every Day for OthersAnd do them without expecting anything in return. You will feel so good and your relationships will flourish.
10. Always Be LoyalBeing loyal shows kindness and respect (see #4) and a whole lot of character. There's no excuse for cheating or lying.
11. Stay in Better Touch with People Who Matter to You
Doesn't it seem like with all the technology we have at our command, we'd be better at staying connected? Life gets in the way, it's true, so do your best to connect with anyone and everyone who matters in your life. Friends are more important and more vital to your happiness than pretty much anything else in the world.
Doesn't it seem like with all the technology we have at our command, we'd be better at staying connected? Life gets in the way, it's true, so do your best to connect with anyone and everyone who matters in your life. Friends are more important and more vital to your happiness than pretty much anything else in the world.
12. Keep Your Promises and Tell the Truth
This goes back to showing your character. People with good character say what they mean and always follow through when the say they will. Your relationships will stay strong when you do these two simple things.
This goes back to showing your character. People with good character say what they mean and always follow through when the say they will. Your relationships will stay strong when you do these two simple things.
13. Give What You Want to Receive
If you want love, give it. If you want honesty, tell the truth. If you want romance, be romantic. Not to be too new agey here, but what you put out into the universe is what comes back to you. So make sure it's good.
If you want love, give it. If you want honesty, tell the truth. If you want romance, be romantic. Not to be too new agey here, but what you put out into the universe is what comes back to you. So make sure it's good.
14. Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
Don't lie. It's so much harder than telling the truth.
Don't lie. It's so much harder than telling the truth.
15. Allow Others to Make Their Own Decisions
You can't control other people's lives. Sure you can offer your adivce, but their decisions are exactly that -- theirs. They might not always follow your advice, but that's how you grow and learn together.
You can't control other people's lives. Sure you can offer your adivce, but their decisions are exactly that -- theirs. They might not always follow your advice, but that's how you grow and learn together.
16. Talk a Little Less and Listen More
Listening is how you learn exactly who you surround yourself with. Oh yeah, and again, it shows respect. Just close your mouth and see what you learn.
Listening is how you learn exactly who you surround yourself with. Oh yeah, and again, it shows respect. Just close your mouth and see what you learn.
17. Leave Petty Arguments Alone
Some fights are not worth fighting. Let 'em be. You'll be happier, I promise.
Some fights are not worth fighting. Let 'em be. You'll be happier, I promise.
18. Pay Attention to Your Relationship with Yourself
I know it's cliché, but you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else successfully. Treating yourself with kindness and respect (just like you do to your significant other and friends) is of upmost importance.
I know it's cliché, but you have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else successfully. Treating yourself with kindness and respect (just like you do to your significant other and friends) is of upmost importance.
19. Pay Attention to Who Your Real Friends Are
Don't surround yourself with negative or faux friends. Know who is there for you in a pinch and who truly shows the same good character that you yourself are putting out.
Don't surround yourself with negative or faux friends. Know who is there for you in a pinch and who truly shows the same good character that you yourself are putting out.
20. Ignore Unconstructive, Hurtful Commentary
Haters are gonna hate. But you don't have to listen. If someone is bringing you down just to build themselves up or be cruel, just ignore it. Only listen to your critics if you know they want to help you.
Haters are gonna hate. But you don't have to listen. If someone is bringing you down just to build themselves up or be cruel, just ignore it. Only listen to your critics if you know they want to help you.
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