We all know the little things add up, like that daily visit to the vending machine for a candy bar. I am so guilty of indulging in unnecessary sweets or even soda, just because I have a craving or it’s been a long day. However, especially since there are so many temptations because of the holiday season, I’ve been extra diligent about preventing these little diet slip-ups. If you’re like me, consider adding some of these simple swaps to your diet and lifestyle to help you achieve big results. Trust us, it won’t feel like your dieting at all!
Eat off of Blue Plates
You know how so many fast-food restaurants (McDonalds, Burger King) have yellow, oranges, and reds in their logos and interiors? Well, it’s because psychologically those colors stimulate us to want to eat, and eat a lot. On the opposite spectrum, eating off blue plates has been known to suppress the appetite.
Eggs for Breakfast
Drop that bagel. A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Obesity stated that swapping out your morning bagel for eggs can help you lose 65 percent more weight. Participants who dined on eggs for breakfast lost more weight, body fat, and inches from their waist than those who ate the same amount of calories in the form of a bagel. The higher protein content of eggs is likely the reason why, since it leaves you feeling fuller for longer.
Turn Off the TV
You should already know better, but how often do you eat in front of the TV or computer? You’ll be surprised by the statistics, because research show that we eat around 40 percent (!) more when distracted by the television and we’re more likely to indulge in junk food. To help weight loss, simply power down the electronics and sit at the dining table for once while focusing on your meal.
Hold the Mayo
Such a simple change, but eating your sandwiches “dry,” meaning without mayo, ketchup, or any special sauce could save you 100 calories a day. That adds up to 10 pounds in a year. Amazing, right? And we promise, you won’t even miss the mayo if you know you’re doing your figure such a favor.
Add More Fruits & Veggies
Dieting doesn’t always mean cutting back on foods. In fact, adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet helps you stay fuller, longer, with less calories, and more nutrition. Strive for at least one serving of fruits or vegetables with snacks and two with meals. You’ll lose the weight without ever feeling hungry.
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