Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Celebs have an on-call glam squad to get that subtly gorgeous look. You have these tips, and that's pretty much all you need. Besides your makeup, of course (and we're not telling that you're wearing any).
#1 Sheer out your foundation
To avoid that spackled effect, apply base with a damp makeup sponge. "Squeeze water out of the sponge so it's not too wet when you put on the foundation," says celebrity makeup artist Collier Strong.
#2 Do strategic powder placement
A too-matte face is beautiful…if you're a vampire. To zap just enough shine, lightly dust powder over your forehead, nose and chin, leaving your cheeks dewy. To touch up during the day, try oil-blotting papers instead of piling on more powder—the best way to prevent cake-face.
#3 Stick with earthy shadow shades
And we're not talking about your mama's beige. "Earth tones look the most natural, but they don't have to be flat and muddy," says Strong. "Try something with shimmer like bronze or champagne." Apply with a brush that has rounded edges to avoid creating harsh lines.
#4 Wipe your wand
There's a time and place for high-drama mascara, but to keep it low-key, try Strong's simple trick: "Wipe off the brush." One quick swipe with a tissue will take away enough of the product to give you a soft, pretty lash look.
#5 Tap, tap, tap
Gently rap your makeup brush handle against the compact (or the bathroom counter) to get rid of excess blush or eye shadow before you sweep it on. You can always add more if you need to.
#6 Stain your mouth
Forget the whole keep-lips-nude thing—pink, peach and berry shades can be subtle if you apply them right. Just slick on lip balm, top with lipstick, smear. "I do it all the time," says Strong. "The base of balm helps create a stain." Then step back and admire your handiwork. Admit it: You look gorgeous…naturally.

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