Friday, August 9, 2013

12 Fashion Hacks Every Girl Should Know

When it comes to fashion, trends and tastes will always change. However, there are a few tips that will last the test of time. The following advice will help you to always look chic, and keep your clothes lasting longer. 
1. White wine removes red wine stains. Seriously
2. If you love thrift-store and vintage fashions, you're probably familiar with the slight odor that comes with older clothes. Simply spritz them with a mixture of of one part vodka, two parts water to get them smelling fresh. 
3. Keep your closet tidy by folding jeans like a pro: Lay jeans on a flat surface, fold in half from left to right. Grab the stacked jean legs and fold them in half so the hem of the jeans lines up with the waistband. Fold the jeans in half one more time. Voila!
4. Before you snag that cashmere deal, make sure it's a quality purchase. Gently stretch the body of the garment to see if it snaps back. A lower-quality cashmere won’t.
5. Purge your closet of unnecessary items with this one question: “If I were shopping right this second, would I buy this?” If the answer is no, toss or donate it. 
6. Ideally, a pencil skirt should hit just at the top of your knee. Any lower and it will start to shorten your leg. This is especially important for us shorter gals to remember. 
7. Prevent runs and holes in your tights from the get-go by spraying them with inexpensive, sticky hairspray. 
8. To lengthen and slim your torso, pull on a v-neck sweater or tee. The style flatters everyone. 
9. If you're planning to take new jeans to the tailor, make sure to wash them at least twice. Jeans will usually shrink in length when first washed, so you don't want to get them too shortened. 
10. Raid your mother's jewelry box for some snap clip-on earrings. You can add them to flats to make them much more chic for an evening, or add them to shirt collars for an extra embellishment. 
11. The secret to well-fitting everyday clothes is Lycra. The formulas to look for: 95% cotton/5% Lycra spandex for T-shirts, and at least 2% Lycra for jeans to hold their shape.
12. And if you're getting jeans shortened, make sure to ask the tailor to reattach the original hem. It might be extra, but it's so worth it. 

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